I am all for making things to save some money. Just ask anyone that knows me. So when I saw the bath fizzies, or bath bombs as people call them, on Pinterest, I just had to try them.
My advice? Buy them pre-made. Seriously. Unless you want to buy in bulk for your supplies, spend hours making them, and then have 1332353 bath bombs in your kitchen, this is not for you.
I am a Scentsy Independent Consultant. And we have a line of bath tablets that are A. more cost effective, B. smells great, and C. already have packaging that are 100 times better then the ones you can make for yourself. Again, unless you are wanting to make these to sell.... check out Scentsy's. I promise you they are great. I have used them. And now I have made my own.
Here's the cost of Scentsy Bath Tablets:
They come in a lot of different fragrances ( my personal favorite is Lucky in Love which smells like Love Spell)
Here's a link to check them out- Scentsy Bath Tablets
Now you might be thinking "10.00! That's kind of expensive."
Here's what it cost to make my own ( and keep in mind this does not include colors- you have to use special colorants so it wont stain, or any essential oils or carrier oils for your body like the Scentsy ones does.)
All I used was 3 ingredients:
Baking Soda
Citric Acid
Peppermint Oil ( not extract!!!)
The cheapest citric acid i could find w/ shipping was 4.49 and that was for 4 oz.
The cheapest Peppermint Oil i could find was 1 oz for 6.30 shipped
Um that adds up to over 10.00
that doesnt include the baking soda which is relatively inexpensive but you are now at around 12.00 w/ tax for all your items.
This was just to make a gift. One gift. This doesnt include your time to do this either. Or a mold. I had to go dig out a mold! ( mine are very small b/c I did not have the funds to buy a mold just for a bath bomb!)
Not to mention i have to let them sit for 4-8 hours before i can touch them.
So I followed this Pinterest link HERE and made my own. But do not get me wrong- Soap Queen is amazing. And there are some things in her blog and on her youtube link that I really cant wait to try. But if I did it with everything she wanted me to use, id be out over 20 bucks just for some bath fizzies. For one person. Im too frugal for that and know when purchasing them is a lot easier and better then doing it yourself.
Its a fun project to do, do not get me wrong, but about 5 of mine didnt come out :( and if i wanted to make them larger, you are looking at getting about 4 out of what i used for about 13.00. And if you want to make them colored or maybe add some oils for your skin add on another 10 plus bucks. So 23.00 and up for 4 no thanks. Too much work for me. I encourage replies and responses. I also encourage you, if you are skeptical, to try it for yourself. Try the Scentsy and try your own. Ill stick with Scentsy!