Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Thankful Jar

As I was looking at all the New Years posts, resolutions, ideas etc- one stood out. A Thankful Jar or Blessing Jar.

Concept is you write something each day you are thankful for, blessed with etc. And then at the end of the year go back and read all you have put in the jar.

I think this is a wonderful idea. I know I personally ask for so much, and do not take the time to just be thankful for the things that I have been given. So, here's my thankful jar for 2014. Starting today. I will put one thing on a piece of paper each day, and in the jar. It might just be that I got up and got a load of laundry done, or it might be something as big as paid off a credit card. But each day I will thank God for something he's allowed me to do.

Here's My Jar! First blessing already in ;)

God Bless from the DIY Pixie!!!!

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